Stuck in a rut? Life coaching can help you to become a better version of yourself. - Coaching & Hypnosis Sanctuary

Stuck in a rut? Life coaching can help you to become a better version of yourself.

Jun 21, 2022 | Life Coaching

Do you ever feel like you’re not quite getting the most out of your life? Or perhaps you’re not sure what next step to take, whether in your personal life or in your career. If this sounds like you, don’t worry – you’re not alone, and help is at hand…

What is life coaching?

When a client comes to me to seek help in changing a particular thought process in which they might be stuck, or complaining of being limited in their life – I can help.

I set specific, actionable and measurable goals, making them attainable and realistic. This works especially well with creative clients, as we don’t all work in the left-brained procedural way. This is because we have emotions, dreams and fears – which means we have opportunities, and we get stuck.

Often enough I just have to help clients to exhibit or perform differently, not to move forward in a linear progression, not to take incremental steps, but solely help them, which is different from performance coaching.

Traditional coaching often uses neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and the neurological levels are particularly useful when clients face a loss of identity and purpose. The loss of identity and purpose occurs frequently after retirement and following severe trauma or illness.

Everyone feels at times limited and constricted by negative feelings more than we would like to be. We all experience feelings of stress, fear and depression, and these have a negative impact on our enjoyment of life, performance at work, and our relationships. Chronic negative states restrict our potential.

During coaching and hypnotherapy I will teach you techniques to help you, based on understanding ‘The Three Principles’.

What are ‘The Three Principles’?

‘The Three Principles’ is a paradigm created by Sydney Banks, a  philosopher born in Scotland, which explains the interplay between the principle of the mind, consciousness and thought.

So, for example, we are not afraid of what we think we are afraid of – instead, we are afraid of thinking of what we are afraid of.


Hypnosis helps people change how they think, feel and respond to events and circumstance in their lives, so they can enjoy lives they deserve.

Hypnotherapy is best known for the relief of chronic pain, anxiety, phobias, insomnia, IBS, low self-esteem, unwanted habits like smoking, alcohol and drug misuse, and provides definitive help with the effects of past trauma (PTSD).